(July 25) A new metro line in Rome has been built very close to my neighbourhood. The stations are modern and clean. I chose to paint near of these stations and found my place early in the morning as usual.
There were lots of cars, poles and things in my view. There was even a large construction crane that I could see as well. I included the crane in my painting but they started working and it changed positions constantly. I decided not to include it in the end.
The details of the painting are undeniably important. However, my choice in including something in the painting is sometimes governed by circumstances. The time I have to paint, the changes in the light and the general clarity of the specific detail all have a role in deciding whether or not I can work long enough to concentrate on any specific detail from the general atmosphere.
On the other hand, I don’t allow this to be a primary consideration to the entire process. My primary concern in painting outdoors is to put on the canvas the perception of light that I can observe in the short time that I am painting. This is where my technique and ability are used to produce the maximum effort in the time given to complete the painting. The painting must stand on its own as a harmonious whole and each detail is secondary to that end.