Those typically ‘Chinese’ images that we are so familiar with in the West are deeply rooted in the Chinese tradition. When I look at my photographs of China, I think many of the scenes could easily have been taken outside of China. This is an uneasy feeling because I don’t like the idea that I went to China just to verify the clichés about the country and that I didn’t discover the ‘real’ China that was hidden from my eyes.
I’m sure this isn’t the case. So now I am looking closer at my photographs in order to find signs of a ‘real’ and ‘unknown’ China. I can remember in particular a short walk that I took in the morning into a nearby district from my hotel. I can still smell the frying food coming from the street shops that had no doors into which I could see the people bustling in the back. There was vibrancy in the busy-ness of the street not unlike Canal Street in New York. But the sounds and smells were quite different.
It’s impossible to capture this in a painting but I will try. More importantly, I will attempt to render something of the spirit of the place and not allow myself to simply replicate that well-known cliché that exists with China.