The Story of a Painter

I’m going to tell the story of how this website has come about. Let’s say there was once a painter. He grew up with an attraction to art. Strange thing in the middle of the state of IOWA; no museums, no galleries, no artists, no, no. It must have been in his DNA since a part of his ancestry came from Italy. But this is only conjecture. The fact is that this attraction was so strong that he decided to dedicate his life to this activity at a very young age.

The only person that the painter had ever met in his life that had anything to do with art as a career was his high school art teacher. The teacher advised the painter to go to university to become an artist so the painter left for college after graduating.

Six years later, the painter defended his work in front of the studio art faculty of Brooklyn College in New York City and was awarded his Master’s Degree in Painting. He was now a ‘certified’ painter. He worked in the studio of Philip Pearlstein but found his thoughts wandering towards far-away places.

After a couple of years, the painter embarked on a stand-by flight to Rome Italy where he took up residency, bought a french easel and started to paint in the streets of the city. From time to time he sold some of his work at tourist prices. It was not enough to earn a living.

The painter became less and less of a painter through the years. He married another painter and they had three children together. As the children grew, the living expenses became more demanding. Painting just didn’t make enough money for either of the painters. The painter sought income from other profession which, in turn, required more and more time.

After about fifteen years, the painter returned to the french easel. He oiled the wing-nuts and treated the wood. He adventured to the nearby country-side of Rome and started to paint again. Now he has more time to dedicate to painting so he can organize his outings.

So this is the story so far of a painter. You can read the information about his sessions. You can look at his work. There are other people involved (his wife, other painters) and often, as a group, they go out for a day of painting.

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