Usually at this time of year, I’m able to dedicate a lot of time to painting because many of my student’s are taking holidays. This year is different. I’m teaching almost as much as I was in April (at Easter time) and I haven’t taken a holiday since then. But I’m not making an excuse; I’ll just tell the story.
This year, many students are studying in the morning so I can’t get up early and try to organize a painting session at dawn. But I’ve been able to give myself an afternoon free and I go out to capture the last rays of the day.
Today I went to Piazza Istria. I was fortunate to find a parking space neat the spot where I wanted to paint from. I unloaded and set up. After a couple of hours of painting, I returned to the car only to find that I didn’t have the keys anymore. The problem was that I didn’t have a duplicate.
After another hour of searching and asking nearby bars and building custodians, I called a tow truck to tow the car home. Two days later and after another tow to the car dealer to codify the new keys, I finally was able to use my car again.
I’m afraid that I won’t be able to look at this painting without thinking about the loss of my car keys.